A Great Hearts education prepares students to be more than just proficient test takers, but rather, to become great-hearted leaders capable of success throughout higher education and their professional careers. We emphasize that in order for students to become great-hearted leaders they must share in a knowledge that is rooted in the classical liberal arts tradition.

By offering a classical liberal arts curriculum, Great Hearts not only cultivates the hearts and minds of students in the pursuit of Truth, Beauty and Goodness, but also graduates great-hearted leaders prepared for success at the top colleges and universities worldwide.
View Curriculum
Special Education
Veritas Prep offers a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, who are currently eligible or are determined eligible to receive special education services and related services.
Special Education Details
College Counseling
Great Hearts is committed to an individualized approach to college counseling that focuses on finding the right fit for each student.
View Counseling Options

Letter Grades at Veritas
Letter grades at Veritas are not the simple result of number-crunching: each one is a carefully considered message from the teacher about how to continue the student’s journey of education.
Learn About Letter Grades
Semester Exams
At the end of each semester, courses have their final assessments coordinated on a series of half-day (12:30 pm) releases.
Explore Semester Exams
Semester Conferences
The goal of semester conferences at Veritas Prep is to help each student take ownership of their development as a learner, working with their parents and teachers.
Discover Conferences

Assessing Student Progress
Getting to know students individually is essential to our mission. Standardized tests are among the many ways in which student progress is assessed at Veritas Prep.
Learn About Assessments
Student Growth Plans
In preparation for presenting at their semester conferences in January, students in grades 6 through 10 will complete a Student Growth Plan.
Discover Growth Plans
Symposium Day
Each year, while semester conferences are taking place, all students read and annotate a shared literary work.
Learn About Symposium Day