Veritas Master Plan Campus Improvements

Last summer we completed campus improvements such as adding additional classrooms for both Archway and Prep and expanded the entry lanes to the north driveway entrance for improved traffic flow. In addition, a new parking lot was added along 56th Street.

Just as important are the improvements to our athletic field. As we began conversations with families to solve for these improvements, it became clear that the field was one part of the need for an overall phase II campus master plan. Many thanks to our parents for helping us think through this process. The team has thought through the more immediate steps needed to improve the current field condition as well as the long-term development requirements of an on-going preventative maintenance program.

Listed below are the steps we are taking moving forward.

  • Veritas Campus improvements this summer included adding an additional Archway faculty restroom, painting throughout both campuses, maintenance of the west parking lot which includes slurry, seal coat and stripping, extension of the play surface and new playground equipment at Archway, and adding additional lockers for Prep. Field maintenance will include replacing the irrigation controls with a new irrigation weather based controller to improve our irrigation process, performance of two aerations for the field (typically only one budgeted at most of our campuses), sand top dress for additional leveling, winter and spring overseed, and major tree pruning throughout the campus. Our landscaping partner will also allocate more time and resources for weekly maintenance of our field and irrigation system overall during the 19/20 academic year.
  • At the May Academy Advisory Board meetings– your academy wish list improvements were presented along with associated expenditures and the timeline for feasibility work to receive feedback from the board. We now look to our families at large to provide input and feedback in the draft plan presented here. Once refined, a town hall meeting will be held to ask and have questions answered by Great Hearts Arizona and the academies’ leadership. Please note that these potential future improvement projects are dependent on charitable fundraising from our community.
  • When final elements and expenditures are determined, a feasibility study will take place with various community stakeholders (during the 19/20 or possibly 20/21 academic year).

Why a feasibility study? A feasibility study is completed during the planning process to determine whether or not a capital campaign will actually be successful. A feasibility study involves interviewing 30 to 40 individuals to determine whether or not the capital campaign can raise the needed funds in the allotted time. These interviewees can range from board members to general members of the community. This group will include past major gifts donors as well as other fundraising prospects.

Why is a potential capital campaign necessary? Unlike district schools, Great Hearts does not receive local bond funding to build or improve their facilities. Previous years, we have been able to utilize the private, tax-exempt bond market for classroom expansion.  However, it is not prudent to take on debt for non-revenue generating space.  Therefore, in order to fund our phase 2 capital improvements, we will have to do it through the generosity of the community. We are happy to walk any interested parent through the capital funding process described above at any time.

We’re eager to continue the work on a complete campus master plan. We will continue to approach this prudently as we work together to decide on the best next move.  As always, thank you for your patience, input, and love for our community.

We look forward to offering further updates after the first quarter ends.  Meanwhile, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any member of the Academy Advisory Council, Heather Washburn, or Dr. Mary Frances Jeffries.

Please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback.