Student Growth Plans
Prior to semester conferences in January, all students in grades 6 through 10 will complete a Student Growth Plan. Students will receive guidance and supporting materials from their teachers, but the support of parents is essential in this process, and the Student Growth Plan will be completed at home.
Below are links to the documents needed for this process. Students will discuss the process in class with their teachers in December. The steps to complete the Student Growth Plan are as follows:
- Parent and student read and discuss the Guidance for Completing the Student Growth Plan. Guidance for Completing SGP
- Student completes the Student Self-Reflection Form. Student-Self-Reflection-Form
- Student completes the Student Growth Plan, with guidance and support from parent. Student-Growth-Plan-Rev2019 Refer to the the SGP Action Menu for ideas of possible steps towards meeting your learning goal. SGP-Action-Menu-rev2019
- Bring your completed Student Growth Plan to your semester conference.
For questions, please contact Director of Academics, Karyn Mercado at